Los Angeles County City Internet Strategy Analysis – 3rd Edition
Cities are working hard on transparency initiatives and citizen engagement in the civic process. Los Angeles County, with its size and diversity, has a myriad of city governments each seeking to use the Internet to better connect with their communities. Use of the Internet to engage residents is important and deserves to be studied.
Tripepi Smith has released its third edition of the Los Angeles County City Internet Strategy Analysis report. The report reviews city Internet strategies for all the cities in LA County. The analysis is focused on the ways in which cities embrace social media, offer greater transparency and increase citizen access to their government.
You can download the report here: Los Angeles County City Internet Strategy Analysis – July 2013 (PDF – 22 Pages)
The analysis revealed some interesting facts:
- Culver City and Sierre Madre have the best overall strategies based on our measuring standards.
- 51 of the 88 cities have a presence on Twitter or Facebook.
- 64% of cities make their City Council meetings available online.
- More cities had an official Facebook account (47%) than an official Twitter account (43%).
Tripepi Smith has published this study to help promote best practices and to recognize the cities that are making the effort to engage their residents more aggressively through the Internet. It may even provide some helpful feedback for a city on how to improve their own strategy.
If you are affiliated with a city in LA County, you can contact the author (ryder@tripepismith.com) to get a custom report on your city’s performance.
We welcome suggestions as to how to improve future editions.
Tripepi Smith principals are available to speak at your next event about communications strategies and new media (no charge for speaking engagements). Contact Ryder Smith for further details.