

Securing your Facebook Services

  |   Information Security, Social Media   |   No comment

Facebook has become a powerful tool for a lot of people. It connects them to their friends, manages their business relationships or is their pulpit from which they dispense advice. It is their persona from the perspective of their tens or hundreds of “friends.” In light of that, consider the impact of someone hacking your Facebook account.

A lot of people setup their Facebook accounts with a casual approach to security. “It is just my friends,” they thought, or “I just want to experiment with this.” Pretty soon, however, the new Facebook user has 211 friends and a ton of contact information on their Facebook account. It creeps up on them. So, take this posting as a friendly reminder to not let it creep up on you.

Take these two basic steps, right now:

  1. Create a complex password for your Facebook account. It should be at least eight charaters, use numbers, letters and a special character. As an alternative, think of your favorite song lyric and use six words all together (no spaces) as your password. Make sure your profile does not indicate your favorite song!
  2. Login to your Facebook account; go to Account in the upper right corner, then Account Settings. Look for Account Security and change that setting to “Yes” receive notifications for logins from new devices. Enable the SMS if you have a cell phone that supports SMS.

Now not only will you have a much more secure password, but if someone does hack your password, you will be notified when they logon from their computer with your authentication information.
Happy status updates!

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