

2019 Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum

Come to Our June 19 Panel at MCMXF19: “The Sixth Council Member: Social Media”

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2019 Mayors and Council Members Executive ForumTripepi Smith is presiding on a panel at the 2019 League of California Cities Mayors & Council Members Executive Forum, Wednesday, June 19 from 2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The panel, “The Sixth Council Member: Social Media,” aims to entertain and educate conference attendees as our panelists impart firsthand wisdom on the evolution of 21st-century community engagement.

Even if you don’t personally “do” social media, your constituents do. And they are using it to talk about you, your policy decisions, and the community they live in. This session should be especially interesting to mayors and council members who want to:

  • Leverage social media more to listen to & engage their communities.
  • Discover how social media is impacting community-government relations.
  • Better navigate the trickiness of using social media as both a resident and a public servant.

If you will be at the conference, we encourage you to share moments and highlights from this panel using the conference hashtag #MCMXF19.

Wednesday, June 19, 2:45-4:00pm
The Sixth Council Member: Social Media
It’s easier than ever to pick up your phone and get involved in the digital trials and tribulations of your neighbors. More vocal residents, especially, can point out otherwise unknown issues in your community. But what happens when you or your fellow Council Member want to start wandering into the fray? At what point does the Brown Act come into play? And how do you know whether naysayers are part of a majority or minority opinion? A panel of experts will help you navigate the pitfalls and provide some advice on engaging with your community on social media.

Presiding: Jon Barilone – Director, Tripepi Smith


  • Karen Pinkos – City Manager, El Cerrito; President of the International City/County Management Association
  • Traci Park – Partner, Burke Williams & Sorenson
  • Rachelle Arizmendi – Council Member, Sierra Madre