

Share Your Logo With the World

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If you plan to speak at an event, or sponsor a seminar, it is always a good idea to ask if you can have your logo displayed as part of the deal. The larger your contribution (in either time or capital), the larger and more prevalent you can reasonably expect your logo to be. Consider the Staples Center.

Of course, odds are that some time will pass between the day you nail down the details of where (and in what dimensions) your logo will appear and the day an intern calls you asking for a high resolution image file. We can almost guarantee that you will be busy with something else at that point. So busy, in fact, that you will probably ignore that poor intern until she calls three more times because who really knows what folder that logo is hiding in, on whose computer, and in what format. GIF? JPG?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply say to the intern “please go to our website and search for the term logo – you will find it there in all different formats and sizes.”

Boom. Done.

Talk with your website design company about setting up a logo page. There you can post every version of your logo that you have available: large, small, black and white, color. Also consider posting different file types. For some people a JPG will be fine, but others will need GIF or PNG.

You can set this page up so that it doesn’t show in any of your navigation/menu items, but will be readily available to anyone who searches for the term “logo.” If you’re concerned about security, your web designer should be able to create a password protected page.

Taking a few minutes to do this will save you a bundle of time when you are faced with an opportunity to have your logo on display. It will also make the interns love you.


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